
Posts Tagged ‘social bookmarking’

So, I am making a concerted effort to figure out Tumblr and have decided to make it a photo extension of this blog. The pics are mostly nature and inspirational (kind of a “Best of the Best” from my We Heart It feed and other shinies I find around the web, but with better attribution, I hope). If you’re into Tumblr then please swing by and let me know what you think- I am still getting the hang of the whole reblogging thing. Once I’m a bit more comfortable with it I will probably link directly to it from this blog somewhere.

Of course, since I’m not involved in enough social bookmarking, I applied for the Pinterest beta. It looks like a nice mesh between something like Tumblr or We Heart It and something like, say, Kaboodle. It’s the whole lack or difficulty of tagging/organising that eventually loses my interest in most of these tools, and this looks like it might be a logical middle ground. We shall see if I get into the beta and, if so, how it actually works in practise.

Blah, blah, web blog geek talk. I never thought that blogging would become it’s own hobby.

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