
Posts Tagged ‘overwhelmed’


This is one of those weeks where I am struggling from event to event, just trying to get through. Work is ramping up for the end of the semester and the holidays are looming, so everyone is cramming in as much as they can. While I enjoy potlucks it compresses the rest of my workday, and what with staying up late to bake goodies I find my days getting longer and longer with very little downtime. The past few nights I’ve had trouble getting to sleep thanks to a busy head, so I wake grainy-eyed with a full-steam-ahead schedule staring at me.

This week also has the added excitement of Jury Duty on Thursday (my busiest day or the workweek, of course), and I will not know until after 5 pm today whether I will be called in or not. I am more than willing to serve, but the havoc it wrecks on my work schedule takes days of planning beforehand and catchup afterward, and the fact that it could all be very well moot if they don’t need me after all just adds to the frustration level. So this week I have been getting as much of my Thursday schedule out of the way as possible, plus arranging coverage for the meetings I normally run or participate in, just in case I won’t be there. It is also the department’s holiday dinner which is always a fun event, and I will be very sorry if I miss out. It would be more bearable if it was only this week, but next week will be the same but only moreso since it will be short workweek.

It makes me think of A Chronic Dose‘s article on “just make it work“. I feel that I have to do as much as possible while I can, because it needs to be done and I may not be able to do it next week. Or tomorrow. Or in a few hours. But it doesn’t stop me from feeling overwhelmed, and somewhat resentful that I am being asked to do so much, even while being fully aware that everyone else is going through the same schedule crunches and holiday obligations. Having this layer of illness on top of the regular holiday madness requires more planning and forethought than I can dredge up some days, when all I’d really like to do is crawl back into bed.

A few positive thoughts- my sinus infection is down to between a mild headcold and bad allergies. I am looking forward to driving down to visit my aunt and uncle for Thanksgiving- they have generously extended an invitation for the full weekend if we are so inclined, and their heated lap pool is incredibly tempting. The few gifts I have sorted out so far are wonderful and I can’t wait to present them. I have plans for holiday decorating and cards so that should not be overwhelming this year, and plane tickets to visit my parents have already been booked, so I can cross that off my list. After work today I will get a haircut (which always makes me feel better) and stop by the pharmacy before my personal training session. While I could really use the hour tonight, I know that I will feel better afterward and that it is good for me. I also ordered a snuggly robe for cooler days and for Christmas up north- I know folks are asking for gift ideas, but I really need it before then.

And, as hectic as the next few days will be, I can look forward to having a lazy weekend. Anything that gets me through the day.

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