
Posts Tagged ‘good day’

Lovely Day

I didn’t manage to post yesterday since it was an up/down day. I made up for the sleep I missed Thursday night and felt generally better in the morning, but had less energy. Still recovering I suppose. Saturday is “NPR-and-Pizza” day, so we listened to Car Talk and “Wait, Wait Don’t Tell Me” and then I made a turkey pepperoni pizza for lunch. I spent a great part of the day crawled into  a favourite sci-fi novel on the front couch. The weather was lovely so we opened the windows and the patio. The cats had a wonderful time taking turns sitting on my head as they watched the squirrels out front.

In the afternoon I took a walk to Target to look for froofy bath things- it was too nice to stay in and I wanted to find some comfort things that weren’t food. My journey was mostly unsuccessful, although I did pick up some more travel things for our upcoming trip down to visit my aunt and uncle for Thanksgiving- I’m really looking for to that! I also found a folding file organizer with a handle, which will be much better for my medical papers than the three-ring binder that I have been using (things tend to fall out, often). I did allow Starbucks to woo me with a slice of pumpkin loaf (which was quite good) but passed on a chai and had a vitamin water instead.

The hubby and I played our current MMO with online friends for a bit, and then just as we were about to start dinner another friend called and asked if we’d like to meet up for seafood at one of our favourite restaurants. I was really good and had the scallops and veggies, and it was so filling that I was glad I hadn’t ordered the pumpkin pie. After a long chat we can back home and then, unfortunately, my antibiotics made themselves known. We still managed to get some more game-time in online before I crawled into bed.

Sadly, the upstairs neighbours (who are far more nocturnal than we) were somewhat loud last night. I popped in ear plugs and managed to get back to sleep fairly soon, but poor hubby didn’t. I can’t say how much we’re looking forward to moving away from them one day.

Apparently there is a regular health blog roundup of some sort. I may wait until next month to decide whether to participate, since this is still new.

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