
Posts Tagged ‘cooking’

Cooking Up a Storm

I broke one of my cardinal rules over the weekend: don’t cook when you’re sick. Normally, bad things happen like soup spilled across the stove or scorching. I did fairly well this time around with the exception of still learning the new oven (runs a bit hot for cookies) and setting temps wrong (orginally set it for 200F when it was supposed to be 350F and then wondered why they weren’t baking- d’oh. Or, more accurately, dough).

This was my first time using the refrigerated cookie dough and it went fairly well. They had a sale of three packages for six plus I had a 1.50 coupon off, so I splurged. I baked four dozens for a work event, and will treat hubby to his favourite white chocolate macadamia later this week. I am not much for baking cookies, hence my inexperience, but I can see that it’s a risky habit to get into and I probably won’t do it again any time soon.

I also made tomato soup and grilled cheese sandwiches, a big pot of matzoh ball soup (which I ate  ALL IN ONE DAY- matzoh coma!), and two meals of steamed veggie buns. I also inadvertently was almost entirely vegetarian for four days, which happens occasionally. I really do enjoy cooking, although none of these were what I consider real “cooking” meals- mostly heat or reheat. Tasty tho’.

(My steam buns look better than these, but not as cute as those below…)

Images from We Heart It

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